This UX Case Study highlights the fundamental problems and underlines the process through which I created the design for a financial portfolio management system as a Lead UX/UI Designer. We fixed this by giving our users more freedom when sending the initial message to another user, while still keeping it simple and fairly effortless. We added a “Quick Messages” feature which allows the user to select 1 of 4 pre-written messages or type out their own message. The inspiration for this design decision came from Instagram story’s “Quick Reactions” feature. We were brought on to redesign twoPLUGS’ app after the launch of their first design suffered from several usability issues and bugs.
I created a user flow using the IPOT application for its main features. I did not go into detail on every part because my focus now is how users can make buying and selling shares practically and quickly. BlocFX is an OTC platform that offers users the ability to buy foreign currency and make payments.

A prototype is the depiction of a design produced before the solution is finalized. We found that, among the spectrum of tasks the users had to do, underwriting business lines turned out to have one of the most sophisticated structures. As the value of an asset has no direct link to traditional financial risks, assessing the impact and understanding the relationship of all variables required more complex logic. Once you have redesigned your crypto application, you can promote it to users. It may even help you attract the audience that left your platform, as you will offer them a refreshed app.

Interesting Design Topics

For example, such applications do not sufficiently inform their users about using and storing private and public keys, where to store the crypto better, etc. Today, we’ll use our background with FinTech apps to tell you why UI/UX is so crucial for trading platforms. Arounda has already designed blockchain products like BlocFX and Gigzi. Our team has masterfully blended advanced technology and first-class UI/UX in these platforms. Yet, the rising interest in crypto has highlighted this industry’s software issues. The entry threshold to almost any trading platform remains rather high.
Designing a Fintech App could be challenging, owing to the complex topic that finance is. Yet, The reason why the users are delighted to handle finance is due to their in-app experience. The digital transformation alone has not made it possible for Fintech to gain its market.

Instead, they opt for something comprehensible and visually pleasing. Our team helped create a strategy, UI/UX design, and development of the OTC platform. A broad range of people now have much more accessibility to financial tools and concepts thanks to fintech. Fintech has opened doors not only to handheld banking but also to trading and investing for regular people. There should be regular risk assessments to prevent financial crimes and data breaches.

Designing a Website for a Sustainable Fashion Brand: A UX Case Study

Making the tasks simple will help users perform their actions with lesser effort and greater experience. The hype has increased for fintech mainly because of the economy it has built. The market value has risen to $1.5 trillion, which is greater than any bank that there is.
By immersing myself in the users’ perspectives, I gleaned valuable insights that would inform my design decisions and prioritize improvements to enhance the overall user experience. Every aspect of our life is moving online, trading apps are gaining more and more popularity. But why do apps like Robinhood or TD Ameritrade have a big and loyal audience while others remain relatively unknown? I found that INDmoney’s important features are the buy/sell option in the US stock exchange, managing and tracking assets, and INDmoney gold subscriptions.
UI/UX problems with trading apps
Adjust security measures according to the assessments, and let your customers know you’re continuously monitoring your platform for their safety. Understanding personal finance, blockchain, and industry jargon can be a challenge for a regular user. Be sure to include explanations in ordinary language for tough topics and key functions.

Trade More. Think Less. How Robinhood’s Design Gets Inside Your Brain.

In the following sections, we will delve into these problems and propose design solutions that prioritize usability and user satisfaction. Our goal is to optimize the Trader Profile page, enabling traders to navigate and engage effectively in cryptocurrency trading on Bitget. 21% of traders complain about the crypto platforms’ inconvenient design.

Buttons, navigational elements, input fields, menu bars ― all graphical interface elements must be correctly displayed despite the device or browser type. Therefore, the team should ensure the compliance with the consistency criterion. It means the implementation of the same design patterns and style throughout all app’s flows comes to the fore. Traders often leverage dashboards to monitor data from personal accounts, control transactions and contracts, follow the latest currency market trends and shifts. To increase working efficiency, users can tweak dashboards and choose the most topical tabs. For a part of the audience, this step is frustrating and there’s nothing but a desire to skip the functionality.
The presence of a straightforward step-by-step guide guarantees users’ engagement from the get-go and significantly decreases the probability of early app abandonment. Financial apps are all about numbers, so to ensure a great user experience and high accuracy, the team usually checks that app’s numeric fields are set to decimals. It allows target audience to enter figures after the decimal point to perform quality calculations. It’s also significant to remember that different countries officially use diverse decimal markers ― decimal comma is more common for Germany and Finland, while point ― for Australia and Japan. Conducting research, even with limited resources, such as analyzing user feedback on app stores, proved to be a valuable method for understanding user pain points and needs.

intuitive user interface for cryptocurrency trading

During testing UX, the team should make sure the path to entering biometrics is simple and quick. So, let’s have a closer look at the most important UI/UX issues to bear in mind when assuring the quality of financial products. Robinhood has been on something of a rollercoaster over the past year. In January, it halted trading on GameStop stock after it had been driven to stratospheric levels by online investors, resulting in headline-grabbing public backlash and a congressional inquiry. When my colleague Hannah Levintova mentioned she was reporting on the suicide of Alex Kearns, a young Robinhood trader, I instantly took note. One has to deeply get this inside their heads – Design is not how the product looks, it is about how your users feel about the product.

To earn customers’ trust and loyalty, blockchain services need to focus as much innovation on their customers’ experience as they focus on the backend development. We can witness the same trajectory in fintech, where challenger banks like Revolut have elevated the standards of digital banking experience. Legacy banks that wanted to keep up with the competition and grow their customer base now had to create digital experiences on par with the new customer expectations.
UI/UX problems with trading apps
Maintaining and securing transactional data and sensitive user data must be encrypted at both the system level and the application level. We’ll address the nuanced challenges a financial technologyUX designer faces and solutions for your next financial product. Therefore, it’s vital that app’s design ensures equally consistent UX across diverse browsers and OSs.

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